Saturday, October 24, 2009

Decendants of Alphonsus Kirk in America--the big picture

In the file box is a blue print sized paper detailing the Decendants of Alphonsus Kirk family tree. Not only is it blue print sized, but the original copy (made in 1977) is done in mirror or reverse image. I took it to an Office Dept a month ago to see if they could make a copy, shrink it to legal size and oh, btw can they reverse the letters? They were pretty perplexed by the task and it turns out the equipment at their store wouldn't do what we needed. Oh hum. Now what? I entertained the thought of completely redoing this tree using modern resources (as this version appears to be hand drawn/printed), but I like the way it looks and feel it's important for everyone to see it the way it currently is. So, after coming to that conclusion, I began to search again for a copy store that could do what I needed. I am so happy to report that on Friday, Oct 23, I found a place that could do it. I asked for legal size copy thinking my scanner was sized for that, but you can see from this scan that it is not. Consequently some of the edges aren't on here. However, I would be happy to make and mail a blue print sized copy for anyone who is interested (now that I know where to go :). You can see center page that our heritage begins in Scotland, to York England in 1631, and then to Belfast Ireland before Alphonsus Kirk set sail to America in 1688. He landed in Jamestown, VA in 1689 and died in 1745. In America, the Kirk's made their home in PA and OH. They were deeply rooted in the Quaker religion which may be one of the reasons they came to America (to avoid any religious persecution of their day). Our Kirk geneology follows Alphonsus (cut off at top) to son Timothy Kirkand Sarah Williams (one of the first names at the top of the page) Follow that line down to Ezekiel Kirk and Hannah Crookham. Take that line to the far right to Mahlon Kirk and Sarah Hines. My scanner cut off there, so I made another copy to show their line (2nd attachment of tree). In addition, Ginny found some really great/detailed info on Mahlon and Sarah, as well as their son Nathan and daughter in law Abigail Whinery (attachment #3) . Pretty amazing stuff. I could honestly look at this one document for hours (and truth be told, I have). It is so interesting to review and I wish we could somehow trace back further than what we have (which begins in Scotland in the late 1500's--to put that in perspective Henry the 8th was King of England in the early 1500's-1547, Anne Boleyn was beheaded in 1536, and Queen Elizabeth I took her throne 1558-1603).

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